SKU : 8F3094001640
หมวดหมู่ : Aroma Chemicals ,  Aroma Chemicals , 
So Called : Benzoic Aldehyde ; Almond artificial oil ; Benzanoaldehyde ; Benzarone ; Benzene carbaldehyde ; Benzene carbonal ; Benzene carboxaldehyde ; Benzene methylal ; Benzene carbinal ; Benzenecarbonal ; Benzenemehylal ; Benzoyl hydride ; Phenyl methanal ; Phenylformaldehyde ; Phenylketone ; Phenylmethanal
Fruity Family
Odor Description : Strong sweet, Almond-like, Cherry
Used in almond, fruit stone and nutty notes. Gives nuances to vanilla notes.
Cas No. : 100-52-7